Tuesday 2 February 2016

6 Most Common Reason Why Do Baby Cries

All babies cry. Its very common for a baby to cry with some reason or no reason at all. But being parents its very important for us to know the reason and try to console the baby. If your baby cries and stop after some time there is no reason to worry but if the baby cries for an hour or more continuously then there is a reason to worry, there is something really wrong with the baby.

Baby can't speak, they can only cry and the parents need to guess what is exactly they want and what is their problem. Its a hit and try game. So following are the most common reason behind why baby cries this does not include colic baby.

6 Most Common Reason Why Babies Cry

1. Baby is Hungry
The first and most common reason is that your Baby is feeling hungry. You need to feed the baby and see if the baby stops crying. If this happens then congratulation you have diagnosed it right.

2. Diaper is heavy
The second common reason is that your baby diaper is heavy now and its time to change it. We generally forgot to change the baby diaper but when it becomes too heavy your baby feels uncomfortable and started crying, so regularly check your baby diaper and change it.

3. Gastric Problem
Baby that are bottle fed generally suffers from gastric problem. You need to help the baby in this situation. Change the baby position, hold him on your shoulder, make the baby sit, some exercises etc.

4. Feeling Cold or Hot
Often during winters parent layer up the baby heavily and baby feels suffocated. Try to remove some layers of clothes and see if your baby is feeling good now. 
Always neither cover your baby too much nor too less.

5. Baby is Feeling Sleepy
Baby wants to sleep but not able to. All you need to do is hold the baby in your lap and pat on the babies chest and help the baby to sleep

6. Baby needs Attention
Baby is feeling lonely and needs attention. You need to spend some time with the baby, talk to the baby and play with him the baby will feel good and stops crying.

In case of colic baby for more than 2 hours you need to visit the doctor. Don't ignore colic condition as there may be something really wrong with your baby doctors can diagnose it better.