Wednesday 27 January 2016

Amazing benefits of Silver for babies | Silver Utensils | Silver Jewelery

Silver is said to be connected to the moon. Silver stimulates calmness and tranquility. Silver has numerous health benefits and have been used across time and culture. 

When a child is born, its very common in all religions to gift silver utensils, silver bangles, silver anklets, silver pendant to the new born. 

Do you know why this tradition of gifting silver utensils and jewelry to babies is being followed since ancient times. Listed below are some of the reasons :

Silver has surprising health benefits, it is a powerful antimicrobial agent that aids in cold and flu prevention, wound healing, and skin care. Silver also helps with internal heat regulation and blood circulation. When applied in the right quantity and manner, silver also provides protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation from cellphones and other electronics.  

Powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial agent
Silver metal has a unique property to decontaminate water from all its impurities and bacteria. People in olden days used to put silver metal in water in order to purify it for all the germs and impurities. Positively charged silver ions also bind to negatively charged oxygen receptors in bacteria, destabilizing their metabolic enzymes and causing them to suffocate.
Heat regulation and Improves blood circulation
Silver has the ability to generate an electrical field that distributes electricity and heat all around the body. The positively charged silver ions creates a conductive field that reflects electromagnetic radiations away from the body. This field stimulates the body’s existing conductivity and improves blood circulation and regulates body temperature.

Reduces Muscle pain
Silver especially magnetic silver jewelry is known to increase blood circulation and reduces pain in muscles.

Healing properties
Silver has very good general healing power.

Stimulates Energy Flow
It is believed that silver stimulates energy flow to itself. So when silver jewelry is on body, it helps to accumulate more energy. It also seemed to help avoiding lethargic tendencies and as a result of wearing it you may feel re-vitalized and stronger. It helps you to concentrate your thoughts. 

Benefits of wearing silver for New Born
As the new born baby has a weak immune system and they face heightened exposure to germs and electronics during travel and toxic urban environment its very important to protect them, Silver bangles and anklets can play very important role for protecting them against such exposure. As now you know the importance of silver start using those silver gifts and enjoy the goodness of silver.

Also read Amazing health benefits of wearing toe rings