Monday 11 January 2016

Third trimester check list

Hey all would be moms..
Since you have entered your third trimester so its very common to feel really excited and at the same time little nervous too. So here I am writing a blog for all of you which I hope will help you all..

Third trimester dos 

  • Drink lots of water as much as you can. Minimum 8 glass a day. 
          This will help you and your baby both.
  • Start going for a long walk twice a day..morning and evening. As walking is the best exercise and it really helps if you are planning for normal delivery
  • Start doing exercises and yoga as it will help to make your body flexible and will indeed help during labor.
         Especially breathing exercise, butterfly and squatting one.
  • Take a healthy diet, don't skip the meals. Try to add more roughage and raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

  • Start taking hot milk with 2-3  tablespoons of ghee in it. This will help during labor. 

  • Practice your hobby and try to be in a good mood as it is said that your mood will affect baby's mood too...

  • Pack your hospital bag..As now you need to rush to the hospital at any point of time and its good if you have your bag ready.
Thats all would be moms for this blog......will write more in my next blog..till then take care and enjoy  and yes happy pregnancy,.. !!!!!   :) :)

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