Sunday 31 January 2016

10 Amazing Benefits of using Mustard Oil for Baby Massage

Baby Massage With Mustard Oil
Baby Massage is very important for infants. A gentle massage not only relaxes their body but also makes them more active and helps them to grow fast. Baby massage helps in stimulating blood circulation. It also helps in strengthening of bones. That is why regular gentle is must for babies.
Also choosing the right oil for baby massage is also very important. Mustard oil is generally recommended for baby massage during winter season.

Benefits of Baby Massage with Mustard Oil

1. Warming Effect
Mustard oil is known for its warming effect that is why it is recommended to give a gently mustard oil massage to babies during winter.

2. Stimulates Blood Circulation
A gentle massage with mustard oil stimulates blood circulation in the body.

3. Antibacterial Properties
Mustard oil has very good antibacterial properties so prevents child from infection.

4. Antifungal Properties
Mustard oil acts as a very good antifungal agent.

5. Moisturiser
Mustard oil is a very good moisturiser. It prevents baby's skin from dryness during winters.

6. Insect Repellent
The pungent smell of mustard oil acts as an excellent insect repellent. It keeps mosquitoes away from the body.

7. Treats skin infection
Because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it also treats skin infection.

8. Treats cough and cold
To treat cough and cold add some raw Garlic Cloves and Fenugreek Seeds (also known as methi in hindi) in mustard oil and boil it. Then set it out from flame and let it cool till it become luke warm. Then use this mild warm oil for baby massage. It will help baby to recover faster from cough and cold.

9. Treats baby cholic
To treat baby cholic add some Carom Seeds in mustard oil and bring it to boil. Then let it get cool for some time then use it for baby massage. It will really relieves baby.

10. Promotes hair growth
Mustard oil is very good for head massage. It increases blood circulation there by promotes hair growth on head.


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