Saturday 16 January 2016

About Pregnancy and pregnancy hormone hCG

Hey all newly pregnant ladies.......

First of all congratulations and as I always say Happy pregnancy.. :) . So if you are first time pregnant, you would surely have lots of questions in your mind. I have already gone through it...and I used to spend lots or almost all of my time on google to find what is going to happen with me now........wht is the next step and all.....

So today I am going to share some info about the pregnancy stages.....I hope many of u might be aware of but still for those who wants to know ......

So here we go.......

hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) also called pregnancy hormone
This hCG hormone is produced during pregnancy.

Average level of hCG :

  • Non pregnant women  : <5 milli-international units per millilitre (mlU/ml)
  • 3 weeks pregnant after LMP : 5-50 mlU/ml
  • 4 weeks pregnant after LMP : 50-500 mlU/ml
Level can first be detected by blood test about after 11 days of conception. 

And through urine test after 12 to 14 days.

Pregnancy is categorized in 3 trimesters :

1st Trimester :  The first three months of pregnancy are very critical and crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Special care is required during this period.Generally ladies gets morning sickness and they feel very tired during this phase. Generally it is recommended to take rest, avoid travel, avoid caffeine (tea/coffee/cold drink) and avoid papaya and pomegranate during this phase.

2nd Trimester : The next three months of pregnancy, actually this is the golden period of pregnancy where most of women are free from morning sickness and can even travel.

3rd Trimester : These are the last three months of pregnancy, where you actually should start preparing yourself for d day that is for the delivery, like you should start doing exercises (butterfly, breathing and squatting mainly), drink lots of water, take rest, go for walk etc.

During your entire pregnancy you will have multiple scans for detecting proper growth of baby and indeed you will get a chance to see your baby... :)

First scan will take place right after the positive hCG blood test report. 

To your surprise you will be able to hear your baby's heartbeat when you are 6 weeks pregnant after your LMP (Last Menstrual Cycle). Isn't this wonderful.

So happy pregnancy ladies...!!!!

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