Tuesday 13 June 2017

10 Health Benefits Of Drinking Water from a Copper Vessel & Correct Way of Using It

According to the ancient Ayurveda when you store water in a copper vessel for 6 to 8 hours before consumption it will absorb the properties of copper and it called "Tamra Jal". This happens because copper vessel positively charges the water and the water thus contains some traces of copper in it, which is beneficial for health if consumed properly. Here the main thing that we should keep in mind is to consume it in a correct way.
Health Benefits of drinking water from a copper vessel
Copper Vessels

Its an ancient practice which is being followed by our ancestors. Now lets check out the advantages of using it.

Top 10 reasons why we should drink water from copper vessel

1. Improves digestive system functioning : Copper improves the functioning of digestive system like indigestion, acidity, gas, ulcers etc. It stimulates peristalsis ie it helps in the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of stomach that helps food to get digested and move along the digestive tract. 

2. Kills bacteria hence purifies water : Copper has sterilizing properties and also it kills E. Coli and S. aureus bacteria that are mainly responsible for water borne diseases. It also fight against several water borne diseases like cholera, Hepatitis A, Jaundice etc.

3. Improves the functioning of Thyroid Gland : It is suggested by experts that one common thing among thyroid patients is deficiency of copper. Copper is among the important element for proper functioning of Thyroid Gland, thus if you drink water from a copper vessel you can fulfill this requirement easily.

4. Faster wound Healing : Copper has anti bacterial , anti viral, anti inflammatory properties and it helps in faster wound healing. Also copper has strengthen our immune system that naturally making us strong and ready to fight with any kind of illness. Among its healing properties, it is well known for healing inside stomach. It boost cell formation thus faster healing.

5. Fights Anemia : Copper aids in the absorption of iron by our body. Iron the main reason behind anemia, as copper is directly involved in iron absorption and maintaining the right level of it in our body it indeed cures anemia.

6. Slows down Ageing : Copper has anti-oxidant and cell forming properties. It fights free radicals and hence slows down aging process.

7. Fights Arthritis : It is mentioned in Ayurveda that copper has anti inflammatory properties and also helps in bone and immune system strengthening thus it helps in combating arthritis.

8. Helps in Maintaining Blood Pressure Levels : Copper plays a key role in regulating the blood pressure levels, as it restricts the buildup of plaque and dilates the blood vessels to promote the blood flow. Having copper laced water will help the pregnant ladies to have a well maintained blood pressure levels and stay free from hypertension issues.

9. Helps in Melanin Production for Skin : Copper is the main component in the production of melanin in our body. Apart from that it also aids in the production of new cells that forms our skin. 

10. Helps in Weight Loss : Copper helps our body to break down fat and eliminate it more efficiently thereby helping in weight loss process. So apart from following the regular weight loss regime just try using this to fasten the process.

How Should we Use it ?

First Check your copper vessel before purchasing it, it should not have any coating and should be made up of pure copper -  you can buy copper bottle, jug, tumbler etc. Nowadays lots of options are available for in pure copper.

Wash the vessel before using it and store water for at least 6 to 8 hours before consumption. It is advised to have it empty stomach in the morning and you can also have it one glass in the evening.

 You should not drink this water whole day because excess of copper has its side effects, so try to have it twice, one empty stomach in the morning and next in the evening. That will cater all your copper needs and will make you fit and ready to fight with any kind of disease.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

6 Most Common Reason Why Do Baby Cries

All babies cry. Its very common for a baby to cry with some reason or no reason at all. But being parents its very important for us to know the reason and try to console the baby. If your baby cries and stop after some time there is no reason to worry but if the baby cries for an hour or more continuously then there is a reason to worry, there is something really wrong with the baby.

Baby can't speak, they can only cry and the parents need to guess what is exactly they want and what is their problem. Its a hit and try game. So following are the most common reason behind why baby cries this does not include colic baby.

6 Most Common Reason Why Babies Cry

1. Baby is Hungry
The first and most common reason is that your Baby is feeling hungry. You need to feed the baby and see if the baby stops crying. If this happens then congratulation you have diagnosed it right.

2. Diaper is heavy
The second common reason is that your baby diaper is heavy now and its time to change it. We generally forgot to change the baby diaper but when it becomes too heavy your baby feels uncomfortable and started crying, so regularly check your baby diaper and change it.

3. Gastric Problem
Baby that are bottle fed generally suffers from gastric problem. You need to help the baby in this situation. Change the baby position, hold him on your shoulder, make the baby sit, some exercises etc.

4. Feeling Cold or Hot
Often during winters parent layer up the baby heavily and baby feels suffocated. Try to remove some layers of clothes and see if your baby is feeling good now. 
Always neither cover your baby too much nor too less.

5. Baby is Feeling Sleepy
Baby wants to sleep but not able to. All you need to do is hold the baby in your lap and pat on the babies chest and help the baby to sleep

6. Baby needs Attention
Baby is feeling lonely and needs attention. You need to spend some time with the baby, talk to the baby and play with him the baby will feel good and stops crying.

In case of colic baby for more than 2 hours you need to visit the doctor. Don't ignore colic condition as there may be something really wrong with your baby doctors can diagnose it better.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Nutmeg (or Jaifal) For Babies | Nutmeg Benefits | Healthy Baby

Nutmeg or Jaifal is used as a spice in India. Nutmeg or Jaifal is a wonder herb for babies because of its amazing health benefits. Nutmeg or Jaifal has several health benefits that is why it is given to the baby.

Benefits of Nutmeg or Jaifal for Babies

1. Excellent Sedative : Nutmeg or Jaifal is an excellent sedative. It helps babies to relieve from abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. 

2. Treats Indigestion : Nutmeg is very effective for treating indigestion in babies. 

3. Treats Gastric Problems in Babies : Nutmeg helps in removing excess gas from intestines and also helps babies in relieving from stomach ache and cramping. 

4. Improves Appetite : Regular use of nutmeg shows improvement in appetite. It also helps in baby growth and good digestion.

5. Sleep Aid : Nutmeg induce good sleep in babies.

6. Good for Brain : Nutmeg is very good for brain. Nutmeg stimulates brain and increase concentration and good memory.

7. Improved Immunity : Nutmeg improves immunity in babies.

8. Treats Cough and Cold : As nutmeg is a hot spice. It also helps to treat cough and cold in babies.

How to Use Nutmeg or Jaifal in Babies
Take a grinding stone and wash it properly. Then pour some milk or water on it and rub the whole Nutmeg or Jaifal on grinding stone in circular motion and alternatively to and fro until you get some paste around 0.5 ml. Collect this paste in a spoon and pour some more milk or water to dilute it. Then give it your baby directly post that feed her immediately to change the taste of baby.

You can give around 0.5 ml of it one time during summers and two times during winters.

10 Amazing Benefits of using Mustard Oil for Baby Massage

Baby Massage With Mustard Oil
Baby Massage is very important for infants. A gentle massage not only relaxes their body but also makes them more active and helps them to grow fast. Baby massage helps in stimulating blood circulation. It also helps in strengthening of bones. That is why regular gentle is must for babies.
Also choosing the right oil for baby massage is also very important. Mustard oil is generally recommended for baby massage during winter season.

Benefits of Baby Massage with Mustard Oil

1. Warming Effect
Mustard oil is known for its warming effect that is why it is recommended to give a gently mustard oil massage to babies during winter.

2. Stimulates Blood Circulation
A gentle massage with mustard oil stimulates blood circulation in the body.

3. Antibacterial Properties
Mustard oil has very good antibacterial properties so prevents child from infection.

4. Antifungal Properties
Mustard oil acts as a very good antifungal agent.

5. Moisturiser
Mustard oil is a very good moisturiser. It prevents baby's skin from dryness during winters.

6. Insect Repellent
The pungent smell of mustard oil acts as an excellent insect repellent. It keeps mosquitoes away from the body.

7. Treats skin infection
Because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it also treats skin infection.

8. Treats cough and cold
To treat cough and cold add some raw Garlic Cloves and Fenugreek Seeds (also known as methi in hindi) in mustard oil and boil it. Then set it out from flame and let it cool till it become luke warm. Then use this mild warm oil for baby massage. It will help baby to recover faster from cough and cold.

9. Treats baby cholic
To treat baby cholic add some Carom Seeds in mustard oil and bring it to boil. Then let it get cool for some time then use it for baby massage. It will really relieves baby.

10. Promotes hair growth
Mustard oil is very good for head massage. It increases blood circulation there by promotes hair growth on head.


Thursday 28 January 2016

Amazing Health Benefits of Wearing Toe Rings | Beauty | Health

Toe Rings beauty with health benefits.

Toe are worn by Indian married women since ages. Toe rings are made up of silver and comes in beautiful designs. Toe rings are worn on the second toe of each leg. Toe rings are used as an accessory and looks beautiful on the feet of married women. In India toe rings are worn by every Hindu married women.

Every married women wear Toe Rings without knowing the science behind it. So lets reveal science behind wearing Toe Ring by married women.

As you already know Toe rings are made up of Silver metal and are worn on the Second Toe of each feet. It is a proven fact that there is a nerve which starts from this toe and goes to the uterus and then to the heart. By wearing toe rings good circulation was ensured thereby strengthening the uterus.

Also it is said that Menstrual cycle of women is regulated by wearing Toe Ring.

Toe Ring also helps speedy conception that is the reason why it is recommended that married women should wear toe rings.

As toe ring is made up of Silver metal which is a good conductor, it absorbs the energy from the earth and passes it to the body thereby rejuvenation the entire system.

It is also said that gynecological problems can be treated by massaging the second toe of each feet.

So as you can see that toe rings not only decorate your feet but also maintain balance in your body.

Here I am summarizing the health benefits of wearing toe rings

  1. Regulates Menstrual Cycle
  2. Helps in speedy conception
  3. Rejuvenate the entire system
  4. Strengthens uterus  

So if you are still not wearing toe rings, start wearing as it will not only style your feet but indeed are extremely helpful to maintain balance in your body too.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Baby Massage | Way of Doing | Benefits

Massage is a beautiful way to connect to your baby and set up a close bond with her. Massage can soothe your baby and help her to sleep. There are many benefits of baby massage. You can start doing massage right after 2-3 days of birth. You can use any baby oil for massaging. You need to massage your baby regularly for 15-20 mins and 2 times a day for faster growth.

Massage not only soothe your baby but also ....

  • establishes a bond between you and baby
  • relaxes the baby
  • helps baby to sleep
  • stimulates the production of feel good hormone (oxytocin)
  • baby cry and fuss less
  • helps in faster growth of baby
  • makes baby more active
  • boosts baby's immune system
  • improves blood circulation
  • sensory stimulation
  • helps in digestion
Proper Way of Doing Baby Massage

For massaging you need :

  • Baby Oil (Any branded baby oil/ mustard oil/olive oil)
  • Towel 

First of all you need to take off all the jewelry items from your hands that can harm the baby and bring your hand to normal body temperature. Then take off your baby clothes gently and make sure that the room is little warmer so that your baby can lie down comfortably. Place your baby gently on the towel.

Take good amount of baby oil on your palm and rub your hands gently then start massaging your baby, starting from legs.

Leg Massage
Starting from legs gently wrap your hands around baby's leg and glide your hands down from her thigh to her toe. Repeat this for at least 20 times then do the same on other leg.

Belly Massage
Then move to belly massage. Place your hands at the level of your baby's navel. In a clockwise motion, rub your fingertips firmly and gently over her tummy in a circular motion. Repeat this for 10 times.

Arm Massage 
Gently roll your baby's arm between your hands, starting at her shoulder and moving down to his wrist. Repeat 20 times, and then switch to his other arm.

Neck Massage 
Support your infant's head and upper body with one hand. Place the thumb of your other hand on one side of her neck and your first two fingers on the other side. Then use your fingertips to gently rub your baby's neck in a circular motion. Repeat these circles a few times.

Back Massage
Gently hold your baby place her on your legs, her belly facing your knees. Start gliding your hands on her back starting from neck in downward direction. Repeat this few times. Then start making 8 on her back with your finger tips and repeat this for few times. 

Face Massage
Gently massage your baby cheeks in circular motion using your finger tips for 2-3 times. For massaging her forehead massage in circular motion 2-3 times. For eyebrow massage place your fingertips on the center of your baby eyebrows then glide your fingertips from the center of the brows in opposite direction to the end of eyebrows, repeat this few times. For nose massage, take some oil in your thumb and start moving your thumb from eyes corner to the center of the eyebrows in upward direction.

At any point of time during massaging if your baby started crying, you can stop massaging and console your baby first to make her feel comfortable and enjoy the massage. Generally baby cries for first few days when you start massaging, later they starting enjoying and also started interacting with you during the process.

Tips for massaging and consoling your baby

  • Always take good amount of oil so that your hands can glide easily on the baby body.
  • Take out all the jewelry items from your hands as it can harm your baby.
  • If your baby is crying the best way is to hold her hands and look into her eyes and start talking to her. This gives your baby a confidence in you and baby will allow you to massage
  • Sing some poem or song during massage, this makes baby feel good and will help you to interact with baby.
  • Always talk to your baby while massaging.


Amazing benefits of Silver for babies | Silver Utensils | Silver Jewelery

Silver is said to be connected to the moon. Silver stimulates calmness and tranquility. Silver has numerous health benefits and have been used across time and culture. 

When a child is born, its very common in all religions to gift silver utensils, silver bangles, silver anklets, silver pendant to the new born. 

Do you know why this tradition of gifting silver utensils and jewelry to babies is being followed since ancient times. Listed below are some of the reasons :

Silver has surprising health benefits, it is a powerful antimicrobial agent that aids in cold and flu prevention, wound healing, and skin care. Silver also helps with internal heat regulation and blood circulation. When applied in the right quantity and manner, silver also provides protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation from cellphones and other electronics.  

Powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial agent
Silver metal has a unique property to decontaminate water from all its impurities and bacteria. People in olden days used to put silver metal in water in order to purify it for all the germs and impurities. Positively charged silver ions also bind to negatively charged oxygen receptors in bacteria, destabilizing their metabolic enzymes and causing them to suffocate.
Heat regulation and Improves blood circulation
Silver has the ability to generate an electrical field that distributes electricity and heat all around the body. The positively charged silver ions creates a conductive field that reflects electromagnetic radiations away from the body. This field stimulates the body’s existing conductivity and improves blood circulation and regulates body temperature.

Reduces Muscle pain
Silver especially magnetic silver jewelry is known to increase blood circulation and reduces pain in muscles.

Healing properties
Silver has very good general healing power.

Stimulates Energy Flow
It is believed that silver stimulates energy flow to itself. So when silver jewelry is on body, it helps to accumulate more energy. It also seemed to help avoiding lethargic tendencies and as a result of wearing it you may feel re-vitalized and stronger. It helps you to concentrate your thoughts. 

Benefits of wearing silver for New Born
As the new born baby has a weak immune system and they face heightened exposure to germs and electronics during travel and toxic urban environment its very important to protect them, Silver bangles and anklets can play very important role for protecting them against such exposure. As now you know the importance of silver start using those silver gifts and enjoy the goodness of silver.

Also read Amazing health benefits of wearing toe rings